
Official SystemRDL docs

different views of presenting hardware:

  1. Human description (eg look at the hardware reference manual) - outlines functional and architectural specifications in human language
  2. Schematics (still falls under human description)
  3. Behavioural code (describe hardware as an algorithm - inputs, outputs and expected behaviour)
  4. Register description cpde
  5. RTL code
  6. Gate-level code
  7. Transistor-level code

A regiter description code captures:

  1. The behaviour of the individual register
  2. The organization of the registers in memory
  3. the organization of the registers into register files,

Various variety of register functions:

  1. Simple storage elements
  2. storage elements with special read/write behavior (e.g., ‘write 1 to clear’)
  3. interrupts
  4. counters

SystemRDL is intended for

  • RTL generation
  • RTL verification
  • SystemC generation
  • Documentation
  • Pass through material for other tools, e.g., debuggers
  • Software development

"SystemRDL was created to minimize problems encountered in describing and managing registers" - what does managing mean?

SystemRDL was meant to provide a single source describing registers. This description will be constant throughout the design, manufacture, testing, abstraction and usage of the piece of hardware.

Process involved in building hardware:

  1. Human functional and architectural description
  2. Test/casual Designs (schematics)
  3. Formalizing (coming up with formal spec views and designs (RTL, GTL, TL, RDL, Headers, PACs, MACs, HALs, ))
  4. Design Testing/Verification
  5. Design Implementation/Manufacture
  6. Post-Testing/Verification

HumanSpec ==> Schematics|Behavioural Code|SystemRDL ==> {RTL, C, Verilog, Rust, Clash, SpinalHDL}

Access Modes

Properties per component


  • Which versions of SystemRDL does it support?
  • Compatibility to future versions?


// simple explicit/definitive field
field my_custom_field {


// simple anonymous field
field {} ;

Needed Tooling

  • Conversion to IP-XACT xml
  • Automatic documentation
  • Strict SystemRDL {
    • makes sure user fills out every component property explicitly (or the intellisense fills things out automatially)
    • every instance is explicitly named (no implicit declarations and instantiations)
    • address comments are filled automatically (eg reg {} csr; // 0x400 - 0x408)
    • no parameter dependence
    • no dynamic assignments
    • no implicit declarations or instantiations
    • No "Arrays may be used as struct members, or in property or parameter declarations.s"
    • Where and how is it recommended to define custom properties?
    • "Effectively, multi-dimensional arrays are not supported. This limitation may be circumvented by defining arrays of structs containing arrays." - this is not a limitation, design better!
    • remove this rule: "When expression is not specified, it is presumed the property_name is of type boolean and the default value is set to true" - it does not make sense eg
        field myField {

rclr; // Bool property assign, set implicitly to true woset = false; // Bool property assign, set explicitly to false name = “my field”; // string property assignment sw = rw; // accesstype property assignment }; ```

  • Dont allow this : "swwe and swwel have precedence over the software access property in determining its current access state, e.g., if a field is declared as sw=rw, has a swwe property, and the value is currently false, the effective software access property is sw=r."


  • Driver generation
  • C header generation
  • PAC-generator (with Rust style safety)
  • Language server (for IDEs)
  • VsCode systemRDL support
  • Intellisense
  • rust-based compiler
  • nixos support


  1. "NOTE—Any hardware-writable field is inherently volatile, which is important for verification and test purposes." - this will reduce the number of volatile reads in our PAC, it will allow the compiler to optimize things
  2. Elaborate reads/write access descriptions :
    1. description includes both hardware and software access specifications
    2. descriptions go beyond RW, RO, WOs
    3. description includes both read and write effects
      • does not explain register-register effect
      • does not explain timing costraints
  3. fddf