1. Consume the pointer pointing to a peripheral. Make sure ONLY one &mut T points to that peripheral. No other mutable reference should be used to reference that peripheral.
/// Systick is a peripheral based on the memory map below  
/// | Offset | Name        | Description                 | Width  |
/// |--------|-------------|-----------------------------|--------|
/// | 0x00   | SYST_CSR    | Control and Status Register | 32 bits|
/// | 0x04   | SYST_RVR    | Reload Value Register       | 32 bits|
/// | 0x08   | SYST_CVR    | Current Value Register      | 32 bits|
/// | 0x0C   | SYST_CALIB  | Calibration Value Register  | 32 bits|
/// The base register of Systick is at address 0xE000_E010 
struct SysTick{
    csr: u32, 
    rvr: u32,
    cvr: u32,
    calib: u32

fn main(){

    // Bad Example : the pointer to peripheral is not deleted
        let sys_tick_instance_ptr = 0x200000 as *mut SysTick;
        let sys_tick_ref = unsafe {  sys_tick_instance_ptr as &mut SysTick  };
        *sys_tick_instance_ptr = 67; // we want to avoid untracked mutations like this line.  
                                     // It is better to stick to using references over pointers.  
                                     // Avoiding pointers has the downside that offset-calculations will be unavailable... But...
                                     // But you can solve that by creating better struct-abstractions over the offset-memory-region
    // end of bad example 

    // Good example  : Raw pointer is immediately deleated
        let sys_tick_instance_ptr = 0x200000 as *mut SysTick;
        let sys_tick_ref = unsafe {sys_tick_instance_ptr.as_mut()}; // as_mut() consumes the pointer as a value
        *sys_tick_instance_ptr = 67; // this will throw a compilation error. You are restricted to just using the sys_tick_ref.
    // end of good example 
  1. Make sure the data behind pointers are Non-Copy. If they are Copy-able, make sure you NEVER implicitly try to take ownership. This is better explained with the code below.
fn main() {
    // Ownership primer loading....

    // this is a custom i32 that does not implement Copy trait. It will become relevant in a few lines to come
    struct NoCopyi32{
        data: i32

    // every time you run a `let` statement, a new address in the stack must be instatiated. 
    // eg : 2 different addresses will be displayed in the 2 printlns! below.  
    let x = 10;  
    println!("address of x: {}", ptr::addr_of_mut!());
    let x = 20; 
    println!("new address of x: {}", ptr::addr_of_mut!());  

    // Let's look at another situation where both x and y hold values that implement the Copy trait
    let x = 30; // new stack address gets named `x`, 30 gets stored under that address
    let y = x;  // new stack adddress gets named `y`, 
                // rust-runtime copies the value in `x` and pastes it in `y`.
                // Rust does not Invalidate `x` because `x` and `y` are holding values without Copy trait
    println!("{}", x) // compiler does not complain about this line.
    println!("address of y: {} is different from address of x: {}. Both x & y are valid", ptr::addr_of!(y), ptr::addr_of!(x)); // NOTE this. 
    // the above line will be called `LINE_A`    

    // Let's look at another situation where both x and y hold values that DON'T implement the Copy trait
    let x = NoCopyi32{data: 40}; // new stack address gets named `x`, 40 gets stored under that address
    let x_addr = ptr::addr_of!(x); 

    let y = x;  // new stack adddress gets named `y`, 
                // rust-runtime copies the value in `x` and pastes it in `y`.
                // Rust INVALIDATES `x` because `x` and `y` are holding values with Copy trait
    print!("{} \n", x) // compiler COMPLAINS about this line.  

    println!("address of y: {} is different from address of x: {}. But x is no-longer valid", ptr::addr_of!(y), x_addr); // NOTE this. 
    // the above line will be called `LINE_B`                                                                                         

    // NOW to pointers!!!
    // Peripherals have definite addresses. To manipulate a peripheral, you must manipulate a specific address ONLY.  

    // Let us look at  situation where Copyable values make us deviate from our goal of ONLY affecting a SPECIFIC address.
    let reg_address = 0x20000; 
    let reg_ptr_1 = reg_address as *mut i32; // i32 implements Copy trait

    let mut reg_value = unsafe { *reg_ptr_1 } // This line tries to take ownership of value behind pointer
        // the let statement creates a new address (eg 0x80000) in the stack and calls that address `reg_value`
        // the rust-runtime copies the value contained in the address `0x20000` and pastes it in the address of `reg_value`
        // Rust does not invalidate reg_ptr_1
    // so when you run the line below, you are not modifying `0x20000`, you are modifying the new address(0x80000).  
    // in-short, because of the implicit copy, you are no longer modifying the peripheral address
    reg_value = 10; 
    println!("address of reg_value: {} is different from address of peripheral: {}.", ptr::addr_of!(reg_value), );

    // Possible solutions:  
        // 1. avoid using Copyable values behind pointers AND use references to modify register value(Best solution IMO)
        // 2. If you can't help but use Copyable values eg usize, then never try to take ownership and instead use only one mutable reference to access the registers

  1. Err on the side of using as_ref and as_mut instead of manually referencing the value behind a pointer. as_ref and as_mut make sure that you are referencing non-null and aligned values.

  2. Reduce the number of unsafe accesses.

  3. Make all accesses to the register to be volatile... unless volatility is not a problem

  4. Preserve access permissions eg if a register is meant to be read-only, provide a read-only interface for on-top of the abstraction that you will create. (hint: use volatile-register crate)

  5. Use global singletons to ensure that Mutable borrows occur only once. Treat hardware as data. You can use libraries such as rtic to help co-ordiate peripheral sharing among different programs (immitate a kernel)