communication protocols

The UART is not the only physical communication protocol for serial communication. There are more modern alternatives, for example;

  1. USB (Universal Serial Bus)
  2. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
  3. I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)

Look into physical layer protocols like RS-232, RS-422, RS-485.
What to look out for at the OSI physical layer protocol:

  1. Pin number
  2. Pin configuration (information associated with each pin)
  3. Transmission length
  4. Error Handling techniques (parity-checking, differentials_btwn_voltages, ...)
  5. Signal levels and associated power usage of the devices
  6. Transfer speeds
  7. Noise Immunity
  8. Configuration process and its complexity (auto-config support, chances of misconfiguration)
  9. Support of a limited number of connected devices (ep point-point vs multipoint vs broadcast-support)
  10. Ergonomic :Plug-and-play functionality and widespread support.